Sunday, February 7, 2010

year and a half

I'm 18 months old tomorrow. At what point does my age begin being counted in years? I guess when mama and dada begin to say it that way.

You may be wondering how many words I know at this point. Well, hundreds. But the problem is my family seems to be a lot less intelligent than I thought they were! It is so frustrating for them to not be able to understand me when I am trying to communicate with them. I guess I am going to have to speak a lot more slowly and conform to their limited vocabulary. I have already compromised on their names (mama, dada, nana, CC, etc). I like to say "all better" when they wipe my nose or change my diaper because I think it is cute that they say it. I have to put my palms in the air and say "ished" in order for them to grasp that I am not hungry anymore. I figured that would translate considering they ask me if I'm finished an average of 50 times a meal.

I am also fighting back in the kissing category. I have received no fewer than 1 billion kisses in 18 months. Therefore, you cannot tell me good-bye without receiving at least 3 open mouth kisses. I'm not putting up with it anymore. Nobody should have to put up with so many kisses so my goal is to prove that by showing you what it is like.

But I feel like I need to try to make a few amends (this does not mean I will discontinue doing these things, I just feel the need to divulge that I am aware I do them). I know that it is not ideal that I like to take everything out of the kitchen cabinets and leave them in the kitchen floor. I am sorry that I have figured out how to get up on your bed. God has given me the ability to climb. I know that you do not love it when I participate in throwing a tantrum. I am really not that sensitive, it is just so effective. Maybe you shouldn't pick me up EVERY time I ask.

I do have a few questions though. I loved that place with all the huge animals I learned about in my books. Can we go back soon? How about all that snow? Can we get that more often? I love going to daddy's ball ball games. Can we do that more often? Thanks so much CC and Papa B for my ball ball goal. Do y'all think it is time for my first golf club? Should it be left handed? That guy that daddy loves to watch plays left handed.

A few things I absolutely love: Family hugs. Mrs. Sarah and Mrs. Terri. The slide at the Green Hills Y. The slide at Granddaddy and Nana's house. Ricky. Tiger. Phil. The blinds next to my bed. My house shoes (soosh). Cookies. Juice. Daddy's shoes in his closet. The pine cones next to mama's bathtub. Wrestling with dada. Safari's with granddaddy. Reading with Nana and CC. Goodnight Moon. If Mom had 3 arms. My Bible. Baby Jesus (I pitched a fit when we put Baby Jesus back in the attic. Mama said we would get him back out next year).

Overall, I am so thankful for my 18 months. I love living! And everybody seems to love me. Dada tells me this will not always be the case, but I have to love those people anyway. I guess I will grow into that because it sure doesn't make any sense at this point. I do have a couple of goals I would like to reach: getting a brother or sister and learning to use the potty. Wonder which will come first? Bye for now.